Mitsubishi Pajero MR195407, MR195408 & MR246350 Repair Info.
Hello, Everyone For the past few years, I have been successfully servicing Pajero Mini Junior TCUs with model numbers MR195407, MR195408, and MR246350, achieving a 90% success rate. If you…
News: CAMI Research & Right to Repair
News: CAMI Research & Right to Repair, The Right to Repair is a current matter of public interest, ensuring consumers and businesses have access to the tools, documentation, and parts…
Successful Firmware Backup of Hakko FM-203 Sparks Right to Repair Progress
This may be the beginning of the end to a long Right To Repair War with Hakko… Uhhh Not Really! I was Hopeful looked Promising. Over the last weekend, I…
3D Print BPM Microsystems SM84UP Aries Electronics 1110832 Inserts
BPM Microsystems SM84UP And The Data IO TOP84PLC Aries Electronics 1110832 Inserts The two adapters uses the Aries Electronics 84-537-21 Socket, I think there are other adapters that use the…
Comming UP: BPM Microsystems 2900 Programmer Teardown!
BPM Microsystems 2900 Programmer Teardown This is BPM Microssytems Latest Manual Programmer The BPM Microsytems FP2900. Unboxing Teardown Soon.. BPM Microsystems Right to Repair Score: See: BPM Microssyetms FP1710 Looking…
Cami Research M3U (FPX) and Firmware V1.23 Backup Attempt
I had come across another Cami Research M3U this one with the M3A FEX Expansion for a total of 280 test points and Just had to snag it. This ebay…
Upcoming News: Is BPM Microsytems Anti Repair?
Upcoming Story: Is BPM Microsystems Anti-Repair? Are They Illegally Voiding Warranties? Check back soon—you might be surprised! ——- Content Hidden ——-
Two More Cami Research Cableeye M3U Cable Testers
I obtained Two More if these Cami Research Cableeye M3 M3U Cable Testers… I really do not need any more but I am a sucker for test equipment at decent…
V-tek TM-50 Manual Taping Machine Controller Teardown Inspection
This Teardown of the V-tek TM-50 Manual Taping Machine Controller is a Work In Progress And a Live Blog Things Change So Keep Checking Back. My ultimate goal is to…
Inside Look at a BPM Microsystems 2710 Universal Programmer
A Friend of mine obtained one of these BPM Microsystems 2710’s and sent me these photos looks like it is missing a few parts. Inside Look at a BPM Microsystems…