Just Arrived Data I/O 2900 Programmer. We Will be Checking this out and Taking it apart soon check back often.

Unboxing Video

On August 10th, I briefly tested the 2900. It powers on and appears to boot. I created boot disks using a USB floppy drive, trying both V3.8 and versions up to V9.5, but had no success. It seems I may need to use a real floppy drive instead. When the 2900 boots, the floppy drive seeks but remains stuck on the Self Test.

So, here’s the plan: I’ll locate another 3.5″ floppy drive to test. While I wait, I’ve ordered a Gotek Floppy Emulator, which I’ve read on the Data I/O groups should work with the 2900. Hopefully, it’s just a floppy issue, and the Gotek will do the trick. I’m uncertain if the emulator will need to be flashed with FlashFloppy, but regardless, I plan to get a Mass Storage Module for faster boot times and Reliability.

Additionally, Without a working floppy, I’m unsure what version of firmware is on this 2900. To find out, I would need to pull the two PLCC flash chips and read them to see if I can figure it out. The 2900 needs to be at least on version V3.8 or V6.1 to load the MSM. Fortunately, someone in the groups has already uploaded backups of version V9.4. Removing the PLCC chips, installing sockets, and reflashing them shouldn’t be a problem.

More Later.

Last Updated on August 11, 2024 by Steven Rhine