I am all for Showing the internal workings and build quality or lack of of quality of devices Here So I came across another $750 JBC MSE-A Desoldering Controller For Trading Stock. Yes, I Was going to Trade it to another Local tech for His JBC MVE-A Pneumatic Desoldering Controller and that Deal Fell Thru he decided to keep his MVE-A shucks was hoping for some peace and quiet! So in the sprite of redundancy I have a backup.

So, This is the Teardown.

This is what you get for Your Hard Earned Money! is it Worth it?

Video Of Unboxing


Simple to crack the JBC MSE-A open 4 Screws 2 are under the footpads and the Cover Lifts Off

After Removing the Insulation Foam, Disconnect the Pneumatic Lines Form the Filter.

With the Insulation Foam, Disconnect the Pneumatic Lines Removed

There are 2 Screws Holding the LED Board On Remove them 2 Screws There are 2 Light Pipes Under there do Not Loose them.

JBC 0013860 LED Board Top Side Nothing Much Going On Here 2 LED’s and 2 Resistors

LED Board Botto Side Nothign Much But Copper Plane.

The Filter Screws In to the Housing I believe the New JBC Tools MSE-B Looks to have a new Filter Design.  In this Photo You Will See the Small Lightpipes.

The JBC Tools 0005652 MSE-A Pump. The Motor is a quality dunkermotoren gr42x40

Enlarge Photos Click On them. The Diaphragm For the Vacuum Source may be Proprietary Not sure if JBC Will sell this part I did not see it in the JBC Tools MSE-A Parts List Just the Entire Pump I will Ask but My e-mails will prob be ignored as usual. I will Not open it up as i do not want the risk of it tearing and having to buy a probably expensive new pump.

Main Board for the JBC Tool MSE-A Part # 00018460 Talk abotu a Lack of Cleaning Look at all that Flux Residue? Come on!! For Such a High End product one would expect a little washing either machine or by hand! Maybe a soldering iron manufacture could clean up their flux lol.

JBC Claims to make these in Spain Using the “Made in EU” Mark. I believe the European Single Market Act Regulates Items Marked Made in the EU and to use the Made in EU the product has to be mainly made in the European Union From my Teardowns sure looks like the major part of this is Made In China to me. We will never know unless a complaint with the European Commission or Other Action triggers a investigation that compels Discovery. I am sure that is why JBC Tools is Anti Repair they know they been defrauding their customers. No Who gets to clean up the old flux? I guess I do.

Capacitors are a No Name very low end Chineese G-LUXON 2200uf 50V 85C Capacitor these caps are 100% junk in any device on par with the othert famous made in china TEAPO / YAGEO! One would Expect for this amount of $$$ you Would get Some Nice Long Life 105C Name Brand Caps Panasonic, Nichicon, Rubycon, CDE, Etc. But this is JBC after all Surviving on name recondition alone.

But this puppy packs a PIC24HJ256GP for the Brains a bit Overkill for being a Desolder Controller. It is the Same MCU in the JTE-1A JT-TE Hot-Air Rework Station I did a tear down of last weekend.

I will Assume that this is a AVX Type Card Edge Debug / In System Programming Connector. This connector was also seen in the Teardown of the Two JBC DDE-1C Soldering Stations Additionally look at the Incomplete Solder Connections on the flat ribbon cable for sure attention to detail and quality control maybe it was made on a Friday.

As with the JBC Tools JTE-1A Hot Air Rework Station There are a few Devices I can use to attack this Target if that card edge connector is the In system Programming Header I will decide later on which one will be the best for this situation.

June 29th 2024 JBC MSE-A Programming Edge Connector Secret’s Revealed. Pin Out of Edge Connector.
I had some free time today Lets Assume the photo Above that pin 1 is Top Right and Pin 2 Is the Opposite Side Using the Data Sheet and a DMM and the Pinout Is.
Target Pin | MCU PIN
Top Side Pin 1  = PGEC2 | Pin 48
Bottom Side Pin 2 = MCLR | Pin 7
Top Pin 3 = PGED2 | Pin 47
Bottom Pin 4 & 6 VSS / AVSS | Pin 20
TopPin 5 & 7 = N/C
Bottom Pin 8 = VDD/ AVDD | Pin 19

It would be safe to assume this is JBC’s default on this type of connector.

Now to choose what tool..

Last Updated on June 29, 2024 by Steven Rhine

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