Shop – Miller 250DX Pulser & Sequencer Boards For Sale
I have added a buy now links below, or you can message me at 360 –9 7 5– 3165 and I will be happy to send you an invoice if…
Blog Info, Updates, and Contact Info
Blog Info & Updates Reminder That This is a Living Blog and Blog Posts Are Subject to Edits and Changes! November 2023, the site experienced a crash, prompting the need…
Rare System General Milti Apro Programmer HSP Adapter Sockets
Rare System General Milti Apro Programmer HSP Adapter Sockets These Sockets Are Being sold for Another Chip Programmer that is retiring from the business. I may have some Multi A-pros…
Rhine Labs Testifies Support #RrightToRepair Washington State 03/26/2025
I testified again For #righttorepair in Washington State. SHB1483 THis Bill Passed the Hosue 94/1 This is nearing the end! I think 1 More executive session and a vote!! Lets…
Spectroline PC-2200A UV 254NM Eprom Wafer Eraser Teardown
Spectronics Spectroline PC-2200A UV 254NM Eprom Eraser (Data Sheet) (Spectroline 1100A 2200A 3300A User Manual) Compare to My Spectroline PR-320T The Chip Trays Inside Dimensions are about 12X16, The only…
Intel D2616 Eprom
Rare Intel D2616 Eprom 24pin Dip Unboxing Ebay Seller Had Really Poor Packaging.. I read it as a 2716 and it Verified. I removed the Enamel / Epoxy form the…
Yamaha Virago XV750 Clutch Info
I Was trying to locate some good technical info for the clutch on the Yamaha XV750 the 93-19 YAMAHA YZ250 Friction and Steels are the Same the springs are different.…
Renesas E8A Debugger Emulator Programmer Teardown
Renesas E8A Debugger Emulator Programmer Teardown This is a Genuine Renesas E8A. The Software on the disk is 32 Bit Version But there is a Update that works with 64bit…
System General T9600 Universal Programmer Teardown
SYSTEM GENERAL T9600 Universal Programmer System General T9600 Manual Programmer Info System General T9600 Brochure Unit Passes All System and Dram Tests.. The Boot time on these are really long…
BPM Microsystems & Actel Programming Adapters Socket Module Backups
I’m backing up the firmware for my BPM Microsystems and Actel socket modules as a precaution. Since the manufacturer doesn’t provide the firmware, we’re on our own when it comes…
Xeltek Superpro 6100N Universal Programmer Teardown
Xeltek Superpro 6100N Universal Programmer Teardown Building page.. Please Stand by..
Xeltek Superpro 6100 Universal Programmer Teardown
Xeltek Superpro 6100 (Non N) Universal Programmer Teardown This is the Non N 6100 the Cover Says 6100N But the Firmware When it Boots. It also uses the 6100N Software.…